Great finale of the II Varadero Valencia Trophy with victory for Aquarelle, Majoche, Blue Lizard and Strategos
Last Sunday, the II Varadero Valencia Trophy of the ORC cruiser class was jointly organized for the second year between the Real Club Náutico de Valencia and Varadero Valencia.
This Trophy should have been raced over three days (November 5th and 26th, and December 17th) however the 18 boats were unable to sail the last race,due to very light winds . The awards ceremony was made taking into account the results of the two rounds held on November 5th and 26th with the following winners:
II Varadero Valencia Trophy Results
Class 1
Aquarelle - Juan Arturo Messeguer
Class 2
Majoche - Alejandro Fliquete Cervera
Class 3
Blue Lizard - Eduardo Tur Ciscar
Class OPEN
Strategos - Francesc Torrent
Rafael Carrió and Toni Monzó, Project Managers of Varadero Valencia, participated in the prize giving ceremony together with Julián Vicó, president of Real Club Náutico de Valencia, who awarded a trophy to the three first positions of each class, and a medal to all participants.
Santiago Donat, Varadero Valencia’s Manager congratulated the participants of the Trophy on behalf of the entire team: "Congratulations to the winners and to all the participants that once again have made possible the Varadero Valencia Trophy as the perfect excuse to practice this exciting sport in the company of friends. We hope to see you in the next edition."