11 May 2016
By Viking Crew

Viking Recruitment and the Maritime Skills Academy have put together a team to take part in the 24 Peaks Challenge to raise money for Seafarers UK. With only 24 hours to do it in, 6 staff members will be climbing 24 Peaks across the Lake District which includes Scafell Pike, the highest peak in England. Over the duration of two days they will be climbing over 2,400 feet and approx. 31 miles from start to finish whilst competing with other teams from around the UK.

This is by far the hardest challenge they have done as part of a team, and will be a true test of friendships, commitment, patience and fitness levels. Each team member will undergo intense training as well as build up their self-belief and determination, in order to reach the end.

As an ‘island nation’ we depend on our seafarers to defend our shores, trade and import essential resources. The day-to-day life of a seafarer is demanding and hazardous. As a charity, Seafarers UK supports seafarers and their families.

This is an incredible opportunity and it is all in aid of Seafarers UK. We would be hugely grateful for your support to help raise as much money and awareness as possible for this great cause.

If you would like to make a pledge please visit our Just Giving Fundraising Page, thank you for your support we really appreciate it.

If you would like more information about Seafarers UK or the challenge please visit their website.


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